Heyduda by zeec GmbH Apps

Car Memo Match for Kids FREE 1.3
Heyduda by zeec GmbH
May we ask you for a small favour? Please buyour new ad-free version. It´s very cheap and would help us verymuch in providing quality apps to you and your kids.You could alsothink of it as a donation for hours of fun with our app ;)This is a very nice and powerful educational tool for childrenbetween 2 and 7 years. The app includes cute and beautifullyillustrated cars and other vehicles plus funny motivating sounds.Children are having so much fun to find matching pairs of cars,trucks, trains and other vehicles. After completing the game, thechildren receive an applause as a reward. "Car Memo Match for kids"helps your child to learn and recognize animals, match cards anddevelop finemotoric skills. The App is a great tool to train yourkid´s memory. The game is tested by kids and has an optimized userinterface for little fingers. Of course, there is a variety ofsettings to adjust the game to different ages and abilities, soyounger and older kids are all having fun.We love to build the best learning apps for your kids. If youlike "Car Memo Match for kids", look out for more educational gamesfrom us here at the appstore. If your children love our sweet andcute animals, they´ll meet them again in our other games for endleshours of fun.
Animal matching for Kids FREE 1.6
Heyduda by zeec GmbH
May we ask you for a small favour? Please buyour new ad-free version. It´s very cheap and would help us verymuch in providing quality apps to you and your kids.You could alsothink of it as a donation for hours of fun with our app ;)This is a very nice and powerful educational tool for childrenbetween 2 and 7 years. The app includes cute and beautifullyillustrated animals and funny motivating sounds. Children arehaving so much fun to find matching pairs of animals. Aftercompleting the game, the children receive an applause as a reward."Animal Matching for kids" helps your child to learn and recognizeanimals, match cards and develop finemotoric skills. The App is agreat tool to train your kid´s memory. The game is tested by kidsand has an optimized user interface for little fingers.
Xmas Matching DELUXE for kids 1.3
This version is ad-free!We wish you a merry Xmas and a happy New Year! Welcome to ourChristmas Game. Here we go, just in time for the Holidayseason!This is a very nice and powerful educational tool for childrenbetween 2 and 7 years. The app includes cute and beautifullyillustrated Christmas symbols and funny motivating sounds. Childrenare having so much fun to find matching pairs. After completing thegame, the children receive an applause as a reward. "X-mas matchingfor kids" helps your child to learn and recognize animals, matchcards and develop finemotoric skills. The App is a great tool totrain your kid´s memory. The game is tested by kids and has anoptimized user interface for little fingers. There is even avariety of settings to adjust the game to different ages andabilities, so younger and older kids are all having fun.We love to build the best learning apps for your kids. If youlike this app, make sure to look out for more educational gamesfrom us here at the appstore. If your children love our sweet andcute animals and symbols, they will meet them again in our othergames for endles hours of fun.
Xmas Match Game for Kids FREE 1.3
Heyduda by zeec GmbH
May we ask you for a small favour? Please buyour new ad-free version. It´s very cheap and would help us verymuch in providing quality apps to you and your kids. You could alsothink of it as a donation for hours of fun with our app ;)We wish you a merry Xmas and a happy New Year! Welcome to ourChristmas Game. Here we go, just in time for the Holidayseason!This is a very nice and powerful educational tool for childrenbetween 2 and 7 years. The app includes cute and beautifullyillustrated Christmas symbols and funny motivating sounds. Childrenare having so much fun to find matching pairs. After completing thegame, the children receive an applause as a reward. "X-mas matchingfor kids" helps your child to learn and recognize animals, matchcards and develop finemotoric skills. The App is a great tool totrain your kid´s memory. The game is tested by kids and has anoptimized user interface for little fingers. There is even avariety of settings to adjust the game to different ages andabilities, so younger and older kids are all having fun.We love to build the best learning apps for your kids. If youlike this app, make sure to look out for more educational gamesfrom us here at the appstore. If your children love our sweet andcute animals and symbols, they will meet them again in our othergames for endles hours of fun.
Animal puzzle for Kids FREE 1.0
Heyduda by zeec GmbH
New: Become our fan on facebookatwww.facebook.com/heydudaThis is a very nice and powerful educational toy forchildrenbetween 2 and 7 years. The app includes cute andbeautifulillustrated animals plus funny animal sounds. Kids arehaving somuch fun to arrange the party of the puzzle in the correctorder tomake up the animal picture. After completing the puzzle,the animaljumps up and down and the correct animal sound is beingplayed as areward for solving the puzzle."Animal Puzzle for kids" helps your kids to learn andrecognizesimple and complex shapes, match shapes, learn animalsounds anddevelop finemotoric skills. The game is tested by kidsand has anoptimized user interface for little fingers. There iseven avariety of settings to adjust the game to different agesandabilities, so younger and older kids are all having fun.We love to build the best learning apps for your kids. Ifyoulike "Animal Puzzle for kids", look out for more educationalgamesfrom us. If your kids love our sweet and cute animals, they´llmeetthem again in our other games for endles hours of fun.
Animal matching PRO for kids 1.6
This version is ad-free!This is a very nice and powerful educational tool forchildrenbetween 2 and 7 years. The app includes cute andbeautifullyillustrated animals and funny motivating sounds.Children are having so much fun to find matching pairsofanimals. After completing the game, the children receiveanapplause as a reward."Animal Matching for kids" helps your child to learnandrecognize animals, match cards and develop finemotoric skills.TheApp is a great tool to train your kid´s memory. The game istestedby kids and has an optimized user interface for littlefingers.
Car Memo Match PRO for kids 1.3
This version is ad-free!This is a very nice and powerful educational tool forchildrenbetween 2 and 7 years. The app includes cute andbeautifullyillustrated cars and other vehicles plus funnymotivating sounds.Children are having so much fun to find matchingpairs of cars,trucks, trains and other vehicles. After completingthe game, thechildren receive an applause as a reward. "Car MemoMatch for kids"helps your child to learn and recognize animals,match cards anddevelop finemotoric skills. The App is a great toolto train yourkid´s memory. The game is tested by kids and has anoptimized userinterface for little fingers. Of course, there is avariety ofsettings to adjust the game to different ages andabilities, soyounger and older kids are all having fun.We love to build the best learning apps for your kids. Ifyoulike "Car Memo Match for kids", look out for more educationalgamesfrom us here at the appstore. If your children love our sweetandcute animals, they´ll meet them again in our other games forendleshours of fun.
Food Memo Match PRO for kids 1.6
This version is ad-free!This is a very nice and powerful educational tool forchildrenbetween 2 and 7 years. The app includes cute andbeautifullyillustrated food and funny motivating sounds. Childrenare havingso much fun to find the matching pairs of food and listento thejippi sound when finding a pair. After completing the game,thekids receive an applause as a reward. "Food Memo Match forkids"helps your child to learn and recognize food items, matchcards anddevelop finemotoric skills. The App is a great tool totrain yourkid´s memory. The game is tested by kids and has anoptimized userinterface for little fingers. Of course, there is avariety ofsettings to adjust the game to different ages andabilities, soyounger and older kids are all having fun.We love to build the best learning apps for your kids. Ifyoulike "Food Memo Match for kids", look out for moreeducationalgames from us here at the appstore. If your kids loveour sweet andcute illustrations, they´ll meet them again in ourother games forendles hours of fun.
Die Kuh macht Muh für Kinder 1.4
Heyduda by zeec GmbH
Bei diesem Game für Kinder stehtspielerischesLernen, Lachen und Spaß an erster Stelle.„Die Kuh macht Muh“ aus der Serie Heyduda ist ein lustigesSpielfür Kleinkinder, in dem es um Tiere und die passendenTiergeräuschegeht. Liebevoll gestaltete und lustige Tiere laden zumSpielen,Lernen und Lachen ein.Das Spiel hilft deinem Kind bei der Entwicklungvonfeinmotorischen Fähigkeiten und beim Lernen und Erkennen vonTierenund passenden Tiergeräuschen. Spielerisch erkunden Kinderdiesesneue Fun Spielzeug und lernen unsere süßen Tiere und diedazupassenden Tierlaute kennen.Sogar ganz kleine Babys haben ihren Spaß an denschönenTierbildern und den lustigen Tönen. Anhand von einfachenFragen(“Was meinst du, wie macht wohl der Löwe?”) können ElterndieKinder leicht an das Spiel heranführen und sichspielerischinvolvieren. Schnell stellen sich ersteErfolgserlebnisse bei denKleinen ein.Die meisten von Euch wünschten sich mehr Tiere. Ihr könntdeshalbab sofort in-App weitere Tiere und sogar für die JungsauchFahrzeuge kaufen. Das erste Set mit 12 Tieren ist nach wievor♡Gratis♡ dabei, 3 weitere kosten je 79ct. Maximal können 3Setsgekauft werden.Hilf mit, unsere Spiele zu verbessern! Werde Fan und sendeunsFeedback über unsere facebook Seite unter:http://www.facebook.com/heydudaFilme Videos deiner Kinder beim Spielen mit unseren Apps undladediese auf unsere facebook Fanpage oder zu YouTube hoch. Nurmitdeiner Hilfe können wir unser Ziel erreichen, die bestenLernspielefür deine Kids zu gestalten.Fürs mitmachen bedanken wir uns regelmäßig mitspannendenSonderaktionen bei euch. Versprochen!Falls Ihr mit dieser App technische Probleme habt, wendetEuchbitte an uns unter:http://heyduda.de/kontakt/In this game for kidsislearning by playing, laughing and having fun in the first place."The cow makes Moo" from the series Heyduda is a fun gameforyoung children in which it comes to animals and theappropriateanimal noises. Lovingly designed and funny animalsinvite you toplay, learn and laugh.The game will help your child in developing fine motor skillsandlearning and cognition of animals and matching animalnoises.Playful Children explore this new fun toys and learn oursweetanimals and the matching animal sounds familiar.Even very young babies have their fun on the beautifulanimalpictures and funny sounds. Using simple questions ("What doyoumean, what sound does a lion?"), Parents can easily introducethechildren to the game and get involved playful. Quickly provideafirst sense of achievement for the little ones.Most of you wanted more animals. You can thereforebuyimmediately from App animals and even more for the guysalsovehicles. The first set of 12 animals is still free ♡ ♡ going3more costs per 79ct. A maximum of 3 sets are purchased.Help us to improve our games! Become a fan and send usfeedbackon our facebook page at:http://www.facebook.com/heydudaMovies videos of your kids playing with our apps and uploadthemup on our facebook fan page or YouTube. Only with your help wecanachieve our goal to create the best learning games foryourkids.We thank you for join us regularly with exciting promotionswithyou. We promise!If you have technical problems with this app, you please turntous at:http://heyduda.de/kontakt/
Learning Numbers for Kids 1.2.0
Heyduda by zeec GmbH
This game is all about the motivation tolearncounting. It includes cute and beautifully illustrated objectsandteaches your kids how to count up to ten. Children are havingsomuch fun, to count the objects and find the right number, whichisbeing rewarded with funny sounds and comments by the clevermouse."Learning Numbers for children" helps your kids to learnandrecognize numbers, count objects and develop finemotoricskills.The game is tested by kids and teachers and has an optimizeduserinterface for little fingers. You can adjust the game todifferentages and abilities, so younger and older kids are allhaving fun.We love to build the best learning apps for your child.If you like"Learning Numbers for children", look out for moreeducationalgames from us here at the market. If your kids love oursweet andcute animals, they´ll meet them again in our other gamesforendless hours of fun.
Food Memo Match for Kids FREE 1.7
Heyduda by zeec GmbH
May we ask you for a small favour? Pleasebuyour new ad-free version. It´s very cheap and would help usverymuch in providing quality apps to you and your kids.You couldalsothink of it as a donation for hours of fun with our app ;)This is a very nice and powerful educational tool forchildrenbetween 2 and 7 years. The app includes cute andbeautifullyillustrated food and funny motivating sounds. Childrenare havingso much fun to find the matching pairs of food and listento thejippi sound when finding a pair. After completing the game,thekids receive an applause as a reward. "Food Memo Match forkids"helps your child to learn and recognize animals, match cardsanddevelop finemotoric skills. The App is a great tool to trainyourkid´s memory. The game is tested by kids and has an optimizeduserinterface for little fingers. Of course, there is a varietyofsettings to adjust the game to different ages and abilities,soyounger and older kids are all having fun.We love to build the best learning apps for your kids. Ifyoulike "Food Memo Match for kids", look out for moreeducationalgames from us here at the appstore. If your kids loveour sweet andcute illustrations, they´ll meet them again in ourother games forendles hours of fun.
The cow says moo 4.0.6
Heyduda by zeec GmbH
Sweet animal sounds & vehicles - Heyduda
Kids learn ANIMAL WORDS- Heydu 4.0.0
Heyduda by zeec GmbH
Perfect for school start! ▪ Correct pronunciation & phonetics ▪English/German